Assalamu Alaikum, today’s article will be discussed on how to verify birth information. The method we show today will be able to easily verify your birth registration. Apart from these, you will find all the topics you need to verify birth registration today, which will be very useful for you.
Our website regularly publishes a divided article. So the exact information is shared with you in this article in our published today. So let’s get to know all the details about birth information verification without delay.
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Birth Certificate Online Check bd 2024
Verification of birth information is a document very important. Especially for those who are below 5 years. Because admission and other facilities in educational institutions are available through birth registration. Also later on the voter ID card, the birth registration certificate is required. This proves that you are a citizen of Bangladesh. All citizens of Bangladesh have the opportunity to register birth. This registration mentions all personal information such as name, father and mother’s name, date of birth, address etc.
Currently the birth data verification process has been fully online. As a result, birth registration application, correction, verification, etc. are done online. This can be done from any part of the world to verify birth information application, modification, verification, etc.
Verifying birth information can easily be known whether it is real, or whether it is online copy. I will know later about what causes birth registration. However, it does not require too much information to verify. Only to check birth registration number and date of birth registration registration registration. By filling in the information below, you can easily verify any birth registration.
Birth Certificate Online Check bd will go to this website and fill this form and click on the Continue button you will be taken to a new page. On that page you can see a capture box below the input box to give birth registration number and date of birth. Fill in the capture and clicking the Search button you can view the information according to your birth registration number. If any information is made wrong, then the Record not found after clicking the search button. This will come even if the birth registration certificate is not digitalized.
This way you can easily verify birth registration from our website. You can also check the birth registration certificate from the Birth and Death Verification Web Portal. Before you know how to do it, let’s not know all the other information about it.
Birth Certificate Online Check bd
The easiest way to verify birth information you must have 17 -digit birth certificate number and person’s date of birth. With these two information you can check the birth registration with the online registration website Birth Certificate Online Check bd and check the birth registration with the correct information input.
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To verify the birth information you click Search with the birth registration number and your date of birth in the form below.
Step 1- Entering the birth registration website
Enter the official website of birth and death registration directly on Birth Certificate Online Check bd. If a child is born in the database of this website, his birth registration and if someone dies, his death registration is enrolled. To enter this site, you need to have proper internet connection on your mobile or computer.
Step 2- Write birth registration number
After entering the birth registration official website, you will see on the screen like the picture below where the box above will be asked to write the Birth Registration Number or the birth registration number. Input your 17 -digit birth registration number here. Remember, only 5 numbers of birth registration number will work in this regard. The old 5 -digit birth registration number can show the No Record Found.
Step 3- Give the correct birth date input
To check the birth registration, you now need to input the date of birth of the person you want to verify the birth certificate. In the box below the Date of Birth you have to enter the date of birth. First click on the box and then select a calendar in front of you, select the birth year, month and day. You can also type the date of birth in the yyyy-mm-dd format by typing inside the box. That is, you must first write the month of birth and the date of the birth day. In this case, if you make a mistake, the expected format yyyy-mm-DD will be written in red ink next to the box.
If you were born on January 28th. Then you have to write 2000-01-20. If you write in Bengali, the computer will not accept it as the correct input.
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Step 4- Fill CAPTCHA
In this step of verifying the birth registration certificate online you will see a simple addition or minus digits on the box. All you have to do is input the number of the digits in the box below The Answer is. This is how you can fill the security captcha. Then clicking the Search button will bring birth registration information on the screen in front of you. Now you can check the information by showing everything.
Rules for correcting birth registration online
Before applying for the Birth Registration Certificate online, you must confirm if your birth registration certificate is online.
Step 1: Visit the birth registration website
First visit this website Birth Certificate Online Check bd. Then click on “Birth Registration Data Correction Application” option from the menu. Notice the picture below.

Step 2: Extract birth registration information with registration number and date of birth
Then enter your 17 digit online birth registration number and date of birth. Next, verify your registration information by clicking on the search button.
If your registration number is not 17 digits then you have to contact the concerned birth registration office/ upazila office and get your birth registration certificate online. A 17-digit birth registration number will be provided if completed online.
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After clicking the Search button, you will see some information about your birth registration certificate. After seeing this information, click on “Select” button and “Confirm” to confirm your birth registration.

Step 3: Select the registration office
In this step you have to select the registration office and mention the address of the union parishad or municipality under which you have registered the birth certificate. From here select your country, division, district, city corporation or upazila and select municipality/ union respectively to verify the office. Then click on “Next” button.

Step 4: Select the correction information
In this step, add the information you want to correct in the birth registration certificate to the form and enter the correct information you want. In this way, select the information you want to correct and insert the correct information. Look at the picture below.

Step 5: Give revised information and reason for revision
Notice in the image below I am applying for 3 data corrections here. “Incorrectly recorded” should be selected as the reason for the application. Select the date of birth from the calendar in case of correction of date of birth in birth registration certificate.

Step 6: Enter the address
Going down a bit, select district-upzilla of birth place, permanent and current address as per your birth registration certificate information. Look at the picture below.

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Step 7: Upload proof and submit correction application online
After filling all the information, the information of the applicant and the information of the person who has applied for correction must be selected. Select “Myself” if the applicant is yourself. Thus, if the birth registration is the parent of the person, select Parents etc.
Select Guardian if you are the legal guardian instead of your parents. However, if someone other than himself/her parents apply, they have to give their birth registration number and voter ID number.

Step 8: Print Birth Registration Amendment Application Form
After submitting the application, you will get an application ID and reference number, keep these. Then download and print the correction form and submit it to the concerned Union Parishad / Municipality / City Corporation office.
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In digital Bangladesh, emphasis is currently being placed on digitizing most of the important certificates. Birth certificate is no exception. Today’s article mainly discusses birth information verification and online birth information verification and rules for correcting birth registration online. Let’s hope today’s article has benefited everyone. If you like the article, don’t forget to share it with your friends. thank you.
How can I check my BD birth certificate online?
You can check the online birth certificate Bangladesh by following the steps below.
Go to the official website https:// or the link provided here https:// to get started.
How can I correct my birth certificate online in Bangladesh?
Start by visiting the official Birth and Death Registration Information System website at On the homepage, select ‘Apply for Birth Record Correction.
What is the fee for birth registration in BD?
Registration within 45 days of birth and death requires no fee. Between 45 days and 5 years, the fee is Tk 25
How can I correct my date of birth online?
You can update the date of birth in your Aadhaar with a valid Date of Birth (DoB) Proof (refer: having your nam.
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